News Releases, May 14, 2015

Zurich proudly receives Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence for four consecutive years

Zurich Insurance (Hong Kong) is delighted to announce that we have won the "Certificate of Merit" in the 2014 Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence (HKAEE), Servicing and Trading Sector for the fourth consecutive year. In addition, Zurich is, once again, awarded the HKAEE Wastewise Label – Class of Excellence, the highest class of this award, for our untiring efforts in waste reduction. These are excellent news and a solid proof of our contribution to continuously improve our environment.


The awards presentation ceremony officiated by the Honourable Mr. C. Y. Leung, GBM, GBS, JP, the Chief Executive, Mr. Lam Chiu-ying, SBS, the Chairman of Environmental Campaign Committee and Professor Joseph J. Y. Sung, SBS, JP, the President of The Chinese University of Hong Kong was held on 14 May 2015 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. During the ceremony, winners of the 2014 HKAEE and Hong Kong Green Innovations Awards were presented with awards.

The two awards are recognition of all green initiatives by stakeholders of Zurich including our employees, customers and business partners for energy conservation and waste reduction. Zurich also understands that education for our employees and their families and the public at large is very important for a sustainable environment. In this regard, on top of the green measures we have been adopting in the last few years, the Zurich Volunteer Group was established with a focus on environmental issues. It partnered with different charitable or non-profit organizations, such as Green Monday, Salvation Army, Food Angel and Food Grace, to provide educational programmes and voluntary work to those in need. In addition, Zurich launched different online solutions such as Zurich Portal HK, Zurich Quote and Zurich HK to encourage customers and business partners to live the green concept with us by proactively encouraging them to go online instead of consuming paper.

Zurich will continue to pursue social responsibility to protect the environment. We count on your support to join hands with us and make Hong Kong a sustainable and better place to live.

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