Personal accident insurance
Our extensive line of personal accident insurance plans offer you full-scale protection to cover various unexpected medical expenses and help you maintain your original standard of living.

PAMultiple Personal Accident Insurance Plan
- Coverage for accidental death, permanent disablement, accidental medical expenses
- Covers expenses of Chinese medicine bone-setting, Chinese medicine acupuncture, chiropractic and physiotherapy
- Lifetime renewable

Sportifly Sports Protection
- HKD 200,000 accidental death or permanent disablement benefit
- Up to HKD 100,000 benefit for cardiac arrest or coma (up to one accident per year)
- Provides up to HKD 20,000 (with surgery) or HKD 4,000 (without surgery) broken bone, ligament tear, or tendon rupture benefit per accident, up to three accidents per year

Passenger Prime Protection
- Designed to protect you against unexpected accidents that can happen during your daily commute as a passenger
- Up to HKD 3,000,000 accidental death benefit in the unfortunate event of accidental death
- Up to HKD 100,000 permanent disablement benefit
- HKD 750 per day of daily hospital income benefit, up to a maximum of 15 days per accident