PAMultiple Personal Accident Insurance Plan

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pamultiple personal accident insurance zurich
pamultiple personal accident insurance zurich

PAMultiple Personal Accident Insurance Plan

Multiple personal accident insurance protection

The plan provides you with tailored coverage for children, adults and the elderly to meet accidental risk exposures. It covers accidental death, permanent disablement, accidental medical expenses and daily hospital income. In addition to providing up to HKD 1,000,000 accident protection, the plan has guaranteed acceptance* and is lifetime renewable.

*Zurich reserves the right of final approval and decision.

Injured person Accidental death and disability protection

  • Protection up to HKD 1 million
  • In the event of a serious accident leading to permanent disability or even death, a lump-sum will be paid to cover mortgage, rent, care of child(ren) or parents, and other expenses

Kneel Accidental medical expenses

  • Hospital and outpatient medical expenses up to HKD 30,0001
  • Including hospitalization, outpatient service, Chinese medicine bone-setting, acupuncture, chiropractic and physiotherapy expenses2

    Company modular Additional cover

    • Cover of general small accidents, general sports, amateur dangerous sports, natural disasters, traffic accidents, terrorist activities, etc.

    Hand No claim discount

    • If no claim has been made in the period of insurance, you are entitled to a 5% no claim discount at annual renewal. The no claim discount can be accumulated up to 15%

    Form completion Premium discount

    • Once you enroll with at least one family member (your spouse, child(ren), parents or parents-in-law) at the same time, an extra 10% discount will be offered to all of you

    1. Calculated based on Adult Plan B
    2. Some items have individual sub-limits

    health insurance Small-scale and daily accidents

    • Housewives’ getting injured from household accidents
    • Food, drink and gas poisoning
    • Robbery

    Kneel Accidents caused by sports

    • Falling down during hiking, accidents during ball games
    • Dangerous amateur sports such as winter sports, scuba diving, rock climbing, horse riding, etc.

    The above examples are for reference only. Zurich reserves the right of final approval and decision.

    Injured person Traffic accidents

    • Accidents caused on public transport

    Company modular Other accidents

    • Natural disasters
    • Terrorist attacks

    (Aged 6 months - 17 years, aged 18 - 23 years unmarried full-time student)

    Children need extra care, which is why we provide an insurance plan secure for their everyday life

    • School activities - an extra cover up to HKD100,000 for accidents that happen during school activities or transportation between residence and school causing the death or permanent disablement of the insured junior.
    • Extra medical expenses protection - an extra cover up to HKD20,000 for overseas accidental medical expenses.
    • Parent annual leave compensation - if the insured junior is confined to hospital due to an accident and a parent takes annual leave from employer to take care of the insured junior, an annual leave compensation benefit of HKD200 per day, up to a maximum of ten days, will be provided to the parent.
    • Pet attack or child abuse protection - extra hospital cash benefit up to HKD300 per day, with a limit of 31 days, will be provided in case the insured junior is confined to hospital due to pet attack or child abuse.

    Maximum benefits per insured person per year (HKD)

    Coverage Plan A  Plan B
    Accidental Death and Permanent Disablement1
    Accidental Death and Permanent Disablement 150,000 300,000
    Plan A  150,000
    Plan B 300,000
    (a) Burns



    Plan A 


    Plan B


    (b) Burial/cremation costs 30,000 30,000
    Plan A  30,000
    Plan B 30,000
    (c) Home nursing fee 200/day
    (Max. 31 days per accident)
    (Max. 31 days per accident)
    Plan A  200/day
    (Max. 31 days per accident)
    Plan B 200/day
    (Max. 31 days per accident)
    (d) Extra indemnity:
    Accidents during school activities
    100,000 100,000
    Plan A  100,000
    Plan B 100,000
    Accidental Medical Expenses
    In-patient and out-patient medical treatment expense, include:
    Out-patient fees, room and board charges, surgical fees, operating theatre fees, laboratory test fees and anaesthetist's fee
    10,000/accident 20,000/accident
    Plan A  10,000/accident
    Plan B 20,000/accident

    Inclusive of:

    Chinese medicine bone-setting expenses, Chinese medicine acupuncture expenses, chiropractic expenses and physiotherapy expenses
    2,000/year 2,000/year
    Plan A  2,000/year
    Plan B 2,000/year
    Extra indemnity:
    Overseas accidental medical expenses
    10,000/year 20,000/year
    Plan A  10,000/year
    Plan B 20,000/year
    Extra Benefits
    (a) Broken bones 10,000 10,000
    Plan A  10,000
    Plan B 10,000
    (b) Home Renovation Expenses 25,000 25,000
    Plan A  25,000
    Plan B 25,000
    (c) Trauma counselling 5,000
    (1,000 per visit)
    (1,000 per visit)
    Plan A  5,000
    (1,000 per visit)
    Plan B 5,000
    (1,000 per visit)
    (d) Clothing and personal effects damage compensation 3,000 3,000
    Plan A  3,000
    Plan B 3,000
    (e) Recovery equipment 10,000 10,000
    Plan A  10,000
    Plan B 10,000
    (f) Parent/Spouse annual leave compensation 200/day
    (Max. 10 days per accident)
    (Max. 10 days per accident)
    Plan A  200/day
    (Max. 10 days per accident)
    Plan B 200/day
    (Max. 10 days per accident)
    Hospital cash benefit 100/day
    (Max. 31 days per accident)
    (Max. 31 days per accident)
    Plan A  100/day
    (Max. 31 days per accident)
    Plan B 200/day
    (Max. 31 days per accident)
    Hospital cash for pet attack/ child abuse 200/day
    (Max. 31 days)
    (Max. 31 days)
    Plan A  200/day
    (Max. 31 days)
    Plan B 300/day
    (Max. 31 days)
    Zurich emergency assistance Available Available
    Plan A  Available
    Plan B Available
    No claims discount Available Available


    • When the insured person reaches the age of 24 years upon policy renewal, the cover will be automatically converted from Junior Cover (any plan levels) to Plan A of Adult Cover, regardless of the insured person being an unmarried full-time student. When the insured person reaches the age of 71 years upon policy renewal, the cover will be automatically converted from Adult Cover to Elderly Cover and the plan level will remain the same under the new cover. Following the automatic conversion of cover, the applicable premium rate will be changed accordingly. If the insured person prefers to select another plan level, he/she can contact Zurich for arrangement.
    • Individual policy will be issued to each insured person regardless of whether the enrollment is made individually or as a family.
    • For insured person aged between six months and 17 years old at the policy effective date, the policyholder of this plan must be his/her parent or legal guardian. However, when the insured person attains the age of 18, he/she will automatically become the policyholder upon renewal.
    • Subject to the insurance cover of respective policies, any individual insured person under Adult Cover can enjoy up to a maximum limit of HKD10,000,000 for accidental death and permanent disablement benefit per life in aggregate of all policies issued by Zurich Insurance Company Ltd and/or its related companies.

    Major exclusions of this policy

    Being a crew member or an operator of any air carrier, war, nuclear radiation, any kind of sickness or disease, suicide, pregnancy, childbirth, engaging in any kind of professional sport, or any armed force.

    This policy excludes claims for death, disablement, injury or loss as a result of the insured person is engaging in duty for Occupation Class 3 or above or any occupation principally involving the use of light machinery or engines and any extra hazardous occupations involving the use of heavy machinery, requiring high degree of physical exertion or working in an extra hazardous working environment. Please check with Zurich if the proposer cannot determine his/her own occupational class.

    Premium per insured person (HKD)

    Premium payment mode Plan A Plan B
    Annual 516 936
    Monthly 43 78

    The information contained herein is for reference only and does not constitute any part of the insurance contract. For full terms and conditions and exclusions, please refer to the policy document which shall prevail in case of inconsistency. In the event of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail. Zurich Insurance Company Ltd reserves the right of final approval and decision on all matters.