Business Protection

Life can throw us many challenges. What is your plan if something goes wrong in your business? Is it adequately protected?

Why do you need business protection insurance?

While you pay to protect against risks of your business assets such as buildings, inventory, key equipment or vehicles, you often overlook the protection for the most important asset — your people.

Most business transactions involve some kind of risks and it may be wise to mitigate or protect yourself and your business against these risks.

Can your business survive if one of the key persons or partner encounters pre-matured death or becomes disabled? Will you have sufficient cash to deal with business emergencies? The answers to these questions and other questions on risk mitigation are usually ‘no’.

At Zurich, we provide insurance solutions to help you safeguard the future of your business against unexpected events. Don’t try to predict the future, protect it with Zurich's Business Protection solution now.

Key person protection_icon

Key person protection

People are at the heart of any businesses. The loss of a key person would affect the company’s ability to maintain turnover and generate profits, and even threaten the viability of a business. Zurich provides you with tailor-made solutions to protect the key person(s) and ensure your business will be compensated for the financial loss incurred due to the death or extended incapacity of the key person(s).
Business succession planning

Business succession planning

Zurich helps you create a structured succession plan with an insurance protection that ensures the business have the money to buy back the shares of a deceased partner.
Business loan protection

Business loan protection

Zurich provides you with business loan protection that ensures your company will have the cash sum to pay for the loan should the unfortunate happen.
Legacy planning

Legacy planning

Zurich helps address your legacy planning needs with life insurance to maximize the benefits of your assets and ensure your loved ones will receive them according to your plans.
Executive retention insurance

Executive retention insurance

Many companies face the challenge of retaining the best talents. The executive retention insurance plan uses an insurance policy to provide unique and tailored benefits for key executives.

Contact us

To get more information or receive a quote, please contact your financial professional or contact our Customer Care Hotline at
The above information is for reference only and should not be construed as legal, taxation or investment advice. You should seek professional advice regarding your tax circumstances and the types of options that are suitable for you.