Product News, September 26, 2022

Zurich Launches DuoProtector Critical Illness Protection Series

First-in-market1 benefits designed for new-born babies and juveniles under 17

  • Two complementary insurance plans – WellProtector Critical Illness Protection and HealerProtector Medical Protection – covers diverse protection needs across different life stages
  • The plans encompass four major critical illnesses – cancer, heart attack, stroke and kidney failure – as well as three early-stage critical illnesses, including carcinoma-in-situ, early-stage cancer, and coronary artery disease requiring angioplasty or other invasive treatments
  • HealerProtector Medical Protection, a first-in-market1 critical illness medical product covering severe level dyslexia; it also covers other special needs such as ADHD and autism
  • The protection also supports parents-to-be: It is available for unborn children from the 22nd week of gestation – with specialized care covering 10 juvenile illnesses including critical congenital heart defects

Zurich, a leading multi-line insurer, is launching the DuoProtector Critical Illness Protection Series to better address diverse protection needs across life stages and circumstances. Customers can avail of two synergized insurance plans: WellProtector Critical Illness Protection, which offers lump-sum compensation, and HealerProtector Medical Protection, which allows reimbursement of medical expenses. They can opt for either one or both protection plans, depending on their personal needs and budget. Addressing the growing number of students in need of special educational needs and support, HealerProtector Medical Protection covers severe level dyslexia (first-in-market1), and common neurodevelopmental disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (“ADHD”) and autism spectrum disorder (“ASD”), etc.

Comprehensive protection that covers diagnosis, treatment and recovery

DuoProtector Critical Illness Protection Series offers focused protection on four major and three early-stage critical illnesses, including cancer, carcinoma-in-situ, early-stage cancer, heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, and coronary artery disease requiring angioplasty or other invasive treatments. While the coverage is less extensive than some insurance plans that cover hundreds of critical illnesses which only have very low prevalence, DuoProtector Critical Illness Protection Series offers premiums at an affordable price by excluding rare diseases. Instead, the plan focuses on essential protection covering the top four categories of critical illness claims (i.e. cancer, heart disease, stroke and kidney disease), which comprise about 90% of all such claims for individuals aged 25 and above in Hong Kong2.

"We have identified a market gap and opportunity, given that currently-available single critical illness protection plans may not suit the needs of people across different life stages. Each stage of life presents unique challenges: Entering the workforce, tying the knot, and welcoming a new-born are all different life circumstances that bring about different fears and anxieties. Zurich has designed two complementary plans to equip individuals as they encounter diverse challenges in their life journey,” said Jim Qin, Chief Executive Officer of General Insurance at Zurich Insurance (Hong Kong).

"HealerProtector Medical Protection can help expectant parents protect their unborn babies from unforeseeable conditions, while career starters can opt for WellProtector Critical Illness Protection to close the protection gap of their group medical plan. Health-conscious individuals can also go for both protection plans to enjoy comprehensive and practical protection at affordable premiums.”

HealerProtector Medical Protection: Relief from exorbitant medical costs for a variety of major or early critical illnesses

Supporting parents in fulfilling their children's special educational and neurodevelopmental needs

According to statistics from the Education Bureau3, a total of 56,640 students enrolled in public primary and secondary schools in the last academic year required special education. This translates to a 40% increase, compared with data from six years ago (the 2015/16 school year). The number of students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) soared by about 78% and 75% respectively, while the number of students with special learning difficulties, dominated by dyslexia, also recorded a 20% increment.

Meanwhile, the demand for specialist outpatient services in child and adolescent psychiatry has also been on the rise, with the number of outpatient clinic attendees rocketing by 162% over the past decade. Among these, ADHD (43% of outpatient clinic attendees) and ASD (35% of outpatient clinic attendees) have topped the list of common disorders4. The backlog at psychiatric outpatient clinics for children and adolescents is also acute, with the median waiting time for routine new cases (i.e. non-urgent or semi-urgent cases) going as long as 1.5 years5. With the local public healthcare system overwhelmed by the surge in demand for special learning-related psychiatric services, parents without a backup option face pressures and limitations in accessing quality psychiatric care for their children.

In light of this, HealerProtector Medical Protection provides juvenile illness protection for children up to 17 years of age. Upon the diagnosis of any one of the juvenile illnesses covered under the insurance plan, including severe level dyslexia, ADHD and ASD6, customers can start reimbursing complementary treatment and consultation fees such as pediatric, educational psychology, psychiatry and play therapy, in addition to medication and medical costs. With this plan, Zurich hopes to alleviate parents’ financial stress while providing better access to suitable psychiatric, personal and developmental support for their children.

Supporting the pregnancy journey: Specialized care for unborn babies and minors 

Welcoming a baby can be stressful to novice parents, especially to mothers-to-be who face multiple uncertainties around fetal development and infant health. These concerns come along with the growing prevalence of congenital diseases over the years, with congenital heart diseases affecting 3 in 500 babies in Hong Kong7. A congenital disease diagnosis during pregnancy or after a child’s birth can overwhelm parents with the burden of shouldering huge medical expenses, on top of the painful experience of seeing the baby suffer.

Zurich has developed HealerProtector Medical Protection to provide expectant mothers with extra peace of mind, so they can better focus on preparing for childbirth. The plan is available for unborn children from the 22nd week of gestation8, and offers specialized care covering 10 juvenile illnesses including critical congenital heart defects, severe asthma, as well as hand, foot and mouth diseases with severe (life threatening) complications. With a sound financial safety net provided by Zurich from pregnancy to childbirth, parents will be able to choose from a wider choice of medical options and fight diseases with their children with a positive mind.

HealerProtector Medical Protection provides reimbursements of medical and hospitalization expenses to support customers receiving treatment, without a waiting period between each claim9. The benefits include:

  • Cancer screening tests for immediate family members – If one is unfortunately diagnosed with cancer and concerned that it is hereditary, cancer screening tests can be arranged for two immediate family members for early detection
  • Local and/or overseas therapies, including targeted therapy, proton therapy and immunotherapy for cancer treatments, as recommended by the attending medical practitioner
  • Complementary treatments (e.g. Chinese medicine and psychological counseling) that enhances comfort and wellbeing for a healthier body and mind
  • Cancer genomic profiling test that helps the attending medical practitioner to identify more precise medications based on the patient’s genetic profile 

WellProtector Critical Illness Protection: Lump sum cash payout to support critical needs during recovery

Critical illnesses often incur unpredictable medical costs and miscellaneous expenditures, whereas lump-sum cash payout helps cover unforeseen expenses. Comprising zero savings elements, WellProtector Critical Illness Protection provides lump-sum compensation for covered critical illnesses, helping relieve financial stress in the face of income reductions and expenditures in rent or mortgage, to better support customers’ wellness and recovery journey.

Apply now and enjoy premium discount

From now until November 30, 2022, customers can enjoy a 35% off discount on the first-year premium by applying for either or both of the aforementioned insurance plans via the Zurich website using the promotion code “CI35”. 

Notes to Editors

For further information about Zurich’s products and services, please visit

Disclaimer and Cautionary Statement

WellProtector Critical Illness Protection and HealerProtector Medical Protection are underwritten by Zurich Insurance Company Ltd (a company incorporated in Switzerland with limited liability). The information contained herein is for reference only and does not constitute any part of the insurance contract. For full terms and conditions and exclusions, please refer to the policy document which shall prevail in case of inconsistency. Zurich Insurance Company Ltd reserves the right of final approval and decision on all matters. The first-year premium offer is subject to its terms and conditions.

1 As of February 1, 2022, HealerProtector offers the first and only Severe Level Dyslexia benefit in a critical illness medical product in the Hong Kong market. The diagnosis of Severe Level Dyslexia must be based on psychological assessment test results done by registered educational psychologist. The diagnosis must be made after the insured child's sixth birthday, and the condition must have continued without interruption for a period of at least six months after diagnosis.

According to the “Report on Hong Kong Assured Lives Critical illness, Experience Study 2005–2009” published by Actuarial Society of Hong Kong, the top four sources of critical illness claims, namely cancer, heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure, cover about 90% of all critical illnesses claims for the aged 25 or above in Hong Kong.

3 Source: Education Bureau website - Number of Students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) in Public Sector Ordinary Primary and Secondary Schools by School Level and by SEN Type, 2015/16-2020/21 school years.

4 Source: Legislative Council website - The number of persons who attended HA's child and adolescent psychiatric specialist outpatient clinics increased by 162% over the past decade to 40 300 in 2019-2020. Among these young psychiatric patients, ADHA was the most common mental issue (43%), followed by ASD (35%), and behavioural and emotional disorders (7%). The remaining 15% suffered from other types of mental illnesses such as depression and schizophrenia.

5 Source: Legislative Council website - HA received a total of 11 835 new cases in 2019-2020 at psychiatric outpatient clinics for children and adolescents, of which 89% were triaged as routine cases and 11% triaged as urgent or semi-urgent cases.

6 If the insured's child is diagnosed with more than one of the neurodevelopment disorders under Juvenile Illnesses in this policy (namely ASD, Severe Level Dyslexia and ADHD), we will consider these co-existing diagnoses as one covered critical illness and share one “Pe covered critical illness limit”.

7 Source: "Imaging of Congenital Heart Disease in Hong Kong: From Invasive to Non-invasive Cardiac Imaging”, Kin Sun TSE, Janice JK Ip and Lilian LY Leong, April 2017, Asian Society of Cardiovascular Imaging.

8 For unborn baby, the insured mother must be aged between 18 to 45. Also, the 90 days waiting period condition does not apply to unborn baby.

9 i) if an early-stage critical illness has been first diagnosed and a major critical illness directly relating to such early-stage critical illness is subsequently diagnosed within 45 days, or ii) if you are diagnosed with the same critical illness for more than one time, they will be considered as one critical illness and all relating medical expenses covered in the policy will be under one “per covered critical illness limit”.