Corporate Updates, July 8, 2022

Zurich title sponsors the largest inter-school 3x3 basketball competition in Hong Kong for the 2nd consecutive year

Nurture local youth athletes to compete internationally with facilities of international standards

Zurich Insurance (Hong Kong) (“Zurich”) continues for the 2nd consecutive year in title sponsoring the largest inter-school 3x3 basketball competition in Hong Kong – the “Zurich Hong Kong Inter-School 3X3 Basketball Competition 2021-2022” (“the Competition”) this year, actively supporting the sustainable development of local youth sports and encouraging the public to live a healthy life as the pandemic eases. Today, the event kick-off and group draw ceremony of the competition was held in Olympian City, officially unveiling the Competition.


Introduction of 3x3 basketball in Tokyo Olympics helps igniting excitement for local inter-school competition

Inter-school basketball competition has always been dominated by the traditional 5x5 competition. As the 3x3 street game has become more and more popular by entering the international stage, it has gained much attention in the Tokyo Olympics and so it is believed the 2nd “Zurich Hong Kong Inter-School 3X3 Basketball Competition” this year will make a splash.

Eric Hui, CEO of Zurich Insurance (Hong Kong) said, “Zurich has always been supportive to the development of local sports. I’m proud to see Hong Kong athletes achieving record breaking results in the Tokyo Olympics. With 3x3 basketball newly introduced in the Tokyo Olympics, it will help igniting the excitement for local inter-school competition this year. Moreover, to show our full support to the Competition, Zurich will provide free personal accident protection for the players and their coaches of the Competition during August 13-26, so they can be worry-free in the games.”


Enhancing inter-school competition level with international standard 3x3 basketball court flooring

The Competition this year is joined by 64 secondary school teams and 32 primary school teams. A total of 168 games will be held in the Southorn Stadium from August 22 to 26. On the day of the finals, the games will adopt 3x3 basketball equipment approved by the FIBA including the flooring and the basketball, allowing the players to experience equipment of international level and hoping to enhance the standards of the Competition and to pave wave for local youth athletes to go international. 

The two defending secondary school teams - Hon Wah College from the boys group and Heep Yunn School from the girls group, also attended today’s event. They shared their winning tips and how they are preparing for the Competition, manifesting their determination in winning the games.


Promote sustainability through different touchpoints of Zurich

Zurich believes one of the approaches for a sustainable community is to start with children. Zurich hopes children will have more opportunities to enhance physical and mental fitness and to connect with the society. Therefore, Zurich is sponsoring the “Zurich Basketball Fun Day for Children” for the 2nd consecutive year during the Competition. 60 children from underprivileged families will join “Zurich Basketball Fun Day for Children” for free on July 9 and have a different basketball experience through fun training and games.

Eric added, “Insurance has been an important pillar in Hong Kong’s economy, and has been helping people in risk mitigation and protection coverage. As a responsible insurer, Zurich is dedicated to creating a brighter future together for Hong Kong, and we are committed to mobilizing our business partners, customers, employees and the community for the change. Our sponsorship for ‘Zurich Hong Kong Inter-School 3X3 Basketball Competition 2021-2022’ and ‘Zurich Basketball Fun Day for Children’ is one of the ways through which we live our promise for leading positive change, and we look forward to more activities to further promote the local sports development and nurture more athletes to compete in international stages.”