Motor Claims

Before submitting claims, please check if you are eligible for the following value-added services:

  • For Cashless Windscreen Repairing service, please click HERE.
  • For Garage-Pro service, please click HERE.

What shall I do if there is any Third Party Property Damage or Personal Injury traffic accident?

  1. Remain calm and immediately report to the police and summon ambulance, avoid arguing with the other driver(s) for liability or otherwise.
  2. In case of casualties, do not move the vehicles without permission of the police.
  3. Do not accept/propose any compensation proposal to any third party(ies) before obtaining the prior written consents from Zurich Insurance, it will prejudice your rights of seeking indemnity under the Terms and Conditions of the policy.
  4. It is suggested obtaining the name and address of the driver of the accident vehicle(s), the license plate number of the accident vehicle(s), the vehicle owner's name(s), the applicant’s name(s) and policy number of other vehicle(s) involved.
  5. Notify Zurich Insurance (via intermediaries, if any) in seven days after the date of accident and submit the relevant documents as soon as possible, otherwise the rights and interests of the Insured under the policy may be affected.
  6. Notify and provide any documents to Zurich Insurance if receiving any information relevant to the case in any forms (any court/police notices/third party correspondences).

Motor Windscreen Damage (applicable to comprehensive cover only)

  1. Color photo of damaged vehicle’s windscreen (with registration no.) before and after replacement
  2. Color receipt (via “Zurich HK” app) / Original receipt (via post) of replaced / repaired windscreen

Damage to the Insured Vehicle (applicable to comprehensive cover only)

  1. Vehicle repair quotation (the quotation should be provided to and approved by our company before repair works are carried out)
  2. Photos of damaged vehicle (if any)
  3. Copy of Vehicle Registration Document (both front and back pages)
  4. Copy of police report and police statement (if any)
  5. Copy of screening breath test report (if any)
  6. Copy of Insured Driver’s driving license
  7. Copy of Insured Driver’s HKID Card or passport
  8. Original Letter of Consent signed by the Insured Driver (refer to the Claim Form)
  9. Purchase contract / receipt / invoice of the insured vehicle (Applicable to total loss/theft loss claim

Third party property damage / Third party bodily injury

  1. Copy of any claim(s) / summon(s) / correspondences from third party (if any)
  2. Original Letter of Consent signed by the Insured Driver (refer to the Claim Form)