Claims tips – home insurance

Filing a claim for your home can seem overwhelming. Not sure where to begin? Check out our home insurance claims tips below to help you file a timely claim and get your reimbursement faster.

Reminder: You can contact our 24-hour emergency hotline: +852 2886 3977 for assistance.

  • Assistance areas
    • Electrical assistance: Arrange a registered electrician to carry out immediate temporary repair of your electrical installations and appliances
    • Plumbing assistance: Arrange a licensed plumber to carry out immediate temporary repair in the event of clogging, bursting or overflowing of pipes and the water supply system
    • Locksmith assistance: Arrange a locksmith to open any doors and/or repair the door lock if you or your family members are accidentally locked outside or inside your home. However, we will not provide any assistance service in respect of any kind of doors and or door locks operating with a non-mechanical door locking system.

    Note:  The service will be applied only if it is stated in the Table of Benefits and/or the Schedule. It is only applicable to the first site inspection and repair (not including any material costs) and is subject to service availability.

  • Referral services
    • Home cleaning service: For a company specializes in home cleaning to perform cleaning services at Your Home.
    • House call/dental referral: For a house call to your home by a registered doctor or medical specialist or secure an appointment with a dental practitioner.
    • Baby sitting/domestic helper/nursing assistance: For a baby sitter or domestic helper to take care of your child(ren) or household during Your absence from Home. A qualified nurse may also be arranged to attend your home for the needs of any person specified by you.
    • Pest control service: For a company specializes in pest control to carry out any pest control services at your home.

    Note: The expenses will be solely borne by you and/or household.

What is your question about?

  • Claims scenario
  • Claims procedure
  • Bad weather
  • Q: Does the home insurance policy cover mobile phone damage?

    Yes, our home insurance policy covers the repair and replacement expenses for accidental damage to mobile phones, computers and other electronic communication products. *

    * The coverage is only applicable to the Comprehensive plan (subject to the policy terms and conditions).

  • Q: Does the insurance policy provide coverage for my wireless Bluetooth earbuds or smartwatches?

    A: Yes. Your wireless Bluetooth earbuds and smartwatches are considered as part of the “home contents”, so they are covered by your home insurance policy.*

    *Subject to the policy terms and conditions.

  • Q: Does the insurance policy provide coverage for my glass wall?

    A: Yes, our insurance policy provides coverage for your glass wall, including plate glass and fixed glass items. However, if they are unauthorized building works, constructions, or structures, they would not be covered by the policy. *

    *Subject to the policy terms and conditions.

  • Q: What are the necessary steps that the household or landlord should take to minimize the loss and handle the procedure for water leakage?

    A: If you experience water leakage at your home, you should first identify the source of the leak and take necessary steps to mitigate the damage:

    If the water leakage comes from your own property:

    1. Report the accident to us or your insurance agent/broker and the property management office immediately.
    2. Shut off the water valve by yourself or ask a technician for help.
    3. Notify the FHED and arrange for a notary to investigate the source of the water leakage.
    4. Obtain a quote for the cost of repairs and send it to the insurer.
    5. Do not admit liability on or enter into any settlement agreement with the third party without our written consent.

    If the water leakage comes from the flat above or next door:

    1. Report the accident to us or your insurance agent/broker and the property management office immediately.
    2. Obtain a quote for the cost of repairs and send it to the insurer.
    3. Take photos and secure all available evidence in respect of the loss.
    4. Separate and put aside the undamaged properties from the affected area to minimize loss.
  • Q: If my home property suffered accidental damage, what should I do?

    A: If your property has suffered accidental damage, we will reimburse your loss (subject to policy terms and conditions). You should try to minimize the loss and take photos of the damaged items/area under safe conditions.

    You can submit your claims following these simple steps:

    1. Once a loss occurs, please notify our office or your insurance agent/broker as soon as reasonably possible.
    2. Notify the Property Manager about the incident and obtain an incident report.
    3. Complete and submit a copy of the claim form including the statement of claim along with supporting documents to the Claims Department within 30 days from the date of accident.
    4. If we decide to appoint a loss adjuster to investigate and/or to assess your loss, the loss adjuster will visit the accident scene as soon as practicable. The loss adjuster will also advise you on how to proceed with the claim.

    For any questions, please send us an email at

    Things you should do:

    1. Take photos and secure all available evidence in respect of the loss (e.g. the damaged items at your home).
    2. Separate and put aside the undamaged properties from the affected area (e.g. away from the flooded areas).
    3. Promptly take practicable and reasonable actions to mitigate/minimize the loss. In case of water leakage/flooding, clear the water in the premises to minimize the damage.
    4. Seek assistance from the Property Manager of the building to stop water leakage once discovered.
    5. If there is another insurance policy covering the same loss or damage, provide a copy of the full set of the policy to us.
    Things you should not do:
    1. Don't dispose of the affected items without our written consent.
    2. Do not admit liability on or enter into any settlement agreement with the third-party without our written consent and forward the unanswered third-party claim to us directly (for third party claim).
  • Q: How do I report a burglary or theft and initiate a claim?
    A: If your property falls victim to break-in and theft, you should immediately call the police and notify your insurer within 24 hours of the accident. To file a claim, be sure to provide relevant supporting documents for your claim, such as police report, purchase receipt(s) for the lost item(s), repair quotation and photos of the damaged items.
  • Q: Can I make a claim for damages caused by a fire, storm, or natural disaster?
    A: Yes, our home insurance policy covers loss or damage to property insured as a result of fire accidents, typhoons, flooding, and other natural disasters.
  • Q: Can I be reimbursed for temporary living expenses if my home is uninhabitable?

    A: Yes. If your home becomes uninhabitable due to a covered event, we will cover the necessary and reasonable cost of comparable alternative accommodation and/or meal allowance for you and your household member(s), until your home is fit to live in again.*

    *Subject to policy terms and conditions.

  • Q: Can I file a claim for liability if someone is injured on my property?

    A: Yes. We provide coverage for compensation if you and/or household member, as the owner or occupier of your home, become legally liable for accidental bodily injury to someone else, or accidental damage to someone else’s property that occurs within or at your home.*

    *Subject to the policy terms and conditions.

  • Q: What information and documentation do I need to provide when filing a home claim?
    A: Here is a list of required supporting documentation when filing a claim on loss of personal property:
    1. Original/copy of purchase receipts or documents showing the value of the claim item(s);
    2. Copy of photos showing the extent of damage(s) to the claim item(s);
    3. Copy of incident report or letter indicating the incident issued by the property management company or relevant authorities (if applicable);
    4. Statement of claim for damaged / lost property (if applicable);
    5. Copy of repair quotation if the claim item(s) can be repaired (if applicable);
    6. Copy of replacement quotation and supporting document indicating the claim item(s) is/are irreparable or the repair cost(s) is/are higher than the replacement price if the claim item(s) is/are required to be replaced (if applicable);
    7. Copy of police report (including police reference and station name) if the loss is caused by theft / burglary / robbery (if applicable);
    8. Copy of photos showing the sign(s) of forcible entry or exit at the unit if the loss is caused by theft / burglary / robbery (if applicable).
    For more required claim supporting documents, please refer to our brochure.
  • Q: What should I do with the damaged items in my home, if there’s a chance they will grow mold and cannot be repaired? Should I keep them or throw them away?
    A: In this case, please wait until further instruction from Zurich or the assigned loss adjuster regarding the damaged items in your home.
  • Q: If extreme weather leads to the suspension of electric, water, gas supply, or the elevator in my home, will my home insurance policy provide coverage for these situations?

    A: Yes. If your home becomes uninhabitable due to a covered event, we will cover the necessary and reasonable cost of comparable alternative accommodation and/or meal allowance for you and your household member(s), until your home is fit to live in again.*

    Additionally, we also cover damage to frozen food and/or drinks caused by deterioration due to accidental mechanical breakdown of refrigerating unit.

    *Subject to the policy terms and conditions.

  • Q: If rainwater seeps through the cracks of the outer wall or windows during typhoon season, what types of damage would typically be covered by home insurance?

    A: Our home insurance policy covers water damage from rainwater if it enters your home due to a covered peril, such as typhoon or rainstorm. If your furniture, home appliances, and other household contents are damaged by rainwater, we will reimburse you for the repairs or replacement costs.*

    *Please review the policy coverage to understand what is specifically covered and the terms and conditions that apply.