Corporate responsibility

Corporate responsibility has always been a key ingredient of Zurich’s strategy. In striving to create sustainable value for each of our stakeholders, we do our utmost to proactively address relevant environmental, social and governance issues both locally and globally. Our dedicated Group Corporate Responsibility team has been specifically established to promote transparency and accountability as outlined in our corporate responsibility strategy.

Below is part of Zurich’s corporate responsibility strategy:

Investing our financial assets responsibly

At Zurich Group, responsible investment is about managing our portfolio of over USD 200 billion in assets to create sustainable value. We must not only do well, we must also do good. By “well” we mean delivering superior risk-adjusted returns for the benefit of our policyholders and shareholders. By “good” we mean creating positive and lasting benefits for the communities that support and sustain our business.

Ensuring responsible and sustainable business practice

At Zurich, doing business responsibly means working with our customers, brokers and other distribution partners to ensure responsible and sustainable business practices and to protect reputations, while promoting best practices in managing environmental, social and governance risks.

Serving the community

Through local community programs and the Z Zurich Foundation, we share our resources and expertise to help build more resilient communities. Zurich’s offices around the world celebrate such contributions in the Global Community Week annually, aiming at strengthening employee awareness of our role in society. Echoing Zurich Group’s commitment to making a difference in the communities of which we are a part, apart from donation and sponsorship to charities, our Hong Kong team actively participates in community services of all kinds. The Zurich Volunteer Group has been established to care for the underprivileged and to care about the environment.

Environmental protection

Environmental protection is integral to sustainable value creation. How we do it is defined in our Group Environmental Policy. We have set concrete targets for material environmental indicators and report publically on progress toward these targets. In Hong Kong, we continue to do all we can to ensure a cleaner, greener world for future generations. Our efforts in this area have been recognized with accolades at the Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence for three consecutive years from 2011 to 2013.