Zurich Risk Advisor

  • Zurich Onsite is a game-changing tool that Zurich risk engineers use to carry out risk assessments when they are at your location.
  • During the assessment, the tool can be used to record photos, videos, audio notes, facility plans and maps.
  • A risk grading tool allows the risk engineer to demonstrate in a simple way the impact of suggested risk improvement actions on your risk gradings.
  • Initial findings during the site visit can easily be discussed with you while on site using the collected data.
  • Your risk assessment report will be stored on your My Zurich portal, which will provide you with a simple and easily accessible overview of your risk assessment data and risk improvement actions.

Zurich Risk Engineering products and services

Zurich risk engineering has a range of products and services to 
help you find the right balance between risk and profit
These include:

  • Zurich Onsite – interactive risk visualization
  • Zurich What if...? – our free risk grading app
  • Benchmarking analysis – to help you make strategic risk management decisions
  • My Zurich – for your risk engineering information

To find out more, click the links above or contact us at:

Contact us

Commercial Division

Zurich Insurance Company Ltd
