Congratulations! You can now redeem a free Zurich Get “Z” Go Travel Insurance Plan for a 10-day trip by following the below steps.

Step 1:

Prepare your 8 digits redemption code.

Step 2:

Please click here to complete the redemption process.


  1. Adult refers to any insured person who is at the age of eighteen (18) or above.
  2. Accompanied child refers to any insured person who is aged seventeen (17) or below and is travelling with an adult for the whole insured journey.
  3. The applicant and traveler(s) must be a Hong Kong citizen or resident.
  4. You should read the (a) Plan Details, (b) Policy Wording before proceeding to apply for this insurance plan.
  5. By submitting the above information to Zurich, the applicant has read and understood the Declarations and the Policy Wording of this Travel Insurance Plan and the Personal Information Collection Statement and agrees to be bound by the same.








  1. 成人是指任何 18 歲或以上的受保人。
  2. 隨行兒童是指任何 17歲或以下的受保人並於整個「受保旅 程」中與一名「成人」同行。
  3. 申請人及旅客必須為香港公民或居民。
  4. 於投保此保險計劃前,您應閱讀 (a) 承保範圍 及 (b) 保單條款
  5. 提供以上資料給蘇黎世代表申請人已閱讀並同意所有有關此旅遊保險之聲明保單之條款及細則收集個人資料聲明,並同意接受其約束。